Thursday, May 21, 2015

I Miss You

Dear baby<3

I miss you. I don't know what happened last said we were going to cam, I saw you active o Skype for a bit..but no call came. No text came. Then you went on away on Skype which happens when you're not active..

I didn't think much of it...I assumed maybe you had fallen asleep or gotten into another argument with your brother & just lost track of time baby. However, when today came & I got no text from you at all..which is so rare (in fact the only times I haven't had texts from you during the week at school, was when you got your phone taken) I started feeling some type of worried mainly. Hoping everything is okay..I know you got that F in tech essentials so I didn't know if somehow you lost your phone over that, like your dad was home & took it or if he got mad because of the overdue game thing you & Brandon fought about or like what the fuck has happened. All I know is you were there & then you were gone & I am in the dark about it. It worries me because I figured at the least you'd log onto to Skype on the tablet or SK on a computer & message me to tell me what happened &'s now past 7pm my time (4 yours) & I have heard literally nothing from you. I am really hoping you remember to check this that you know I am worried, I am thinking of you & whatever happened is okay, we can work around it--I just need to know. I fucking miss you & I really hope whatever happened isn't serious...that you find a way to let me know what's up & how we can have a tablet, you have a have ways to alert me & let me know things are okay without a phone if it got taken or whatever...not knowing is the worst for me. Like..I love you so much baby<3 I just want you to know I do, I am waiting, I am assuming something has happened out of your control & that's why you have disappeared on me..I have come a long way in my insecurities & I don't think you broke up with me or anything, like I do feel this is a case of something out of your control. Just know, I know that baby. Know that  I am here waiting for any sign from you that it's okay & what happened. I am here. I am not going anywhere. Just do your best to let me know what's going on & we will handle it together <3

In other news, I hope you had a good day at school! I miss you every day, I even miss you when you have to go after an 8 hour or so cam session hehe. I love you so much & I just wanted you to know again, even if I can't say it to your face right now, how much you mean to me. Kevvy, you're my everything. You are amazing & strong, precious snout<3 You are my forever & I hope you feel the same, I feel like you do. You do such an incredible job in making me feel so loved baby & I am so fucking lucky. You are so fucking smart baby, it was annoying the fight with Brandon but you were SO INTELLIGENT IN IT<3 You are amazing & you made your point & you stuck with it & unfff baby, it was amazing, YOU are amazing. I could write so much about you, fuck you hung the sun moon & stars to me weasel. You are just everything to me.

I hope you know this, despite whatever may happen, it's always you Kevvy, it always will be.

I love you. 04/4/15-forever<3

(I remember the date we picked <3)

I hope you read this baby, I hope you can get in touch with me somehow, I'll be waiting ,33

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